The 'hot Saturn' water source is three times the amount of Saturn's water, about 700 light years from Earth! Scientists use the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Space Agency's Hubble Telescope, a hot, Saturn-quality solar system 700 light years away. The 'marks' of water were found in the atmosphere of the planet, and they found a lot of water.
The planet of the planet WASP-39b is three times as large as Saturn, and its day and night temperatures are as high as seven hundred degrees Celsius. Scientists say that although no planet like this exists in our solar system, WASP-39b can provide new insights into how and where planets form around stars.
WASP-39b is located in Virgo. Around a quiet, sun-like star, there is a star called WASP-39 every 4 days. This exoplanet is currently 20 times closer to the Earth than the Sun. It is tidal-locked, which means it always shows the same face as its star.
This exoplanet is so unique that it underscores the fact that the more astronomers become aware of the complexities of other worlds, the better they can understand their origins. This latest observation is an important step towards depicting these worlds.
The 'hot Saturn' water source is 3 times more than Saturn's water, about 700 light years away from the Earth! By understanding the carbon and oxygen content in the atmosphere, scientists can learn more about how the planet is formed. For more information, please continue to pay attention to Huaguang 3D. .