Parts are the basic components assembled into machines, instruments, and various equipment. Belonging to small and fragmented objects. The customer needs to digitize the parts (data collection, data processing) to further achieve analysis and reverse design.

Product physical image
Practical problems
The overall volume of the workpiece is small, with a diameter of only 4cm. The surface is irregular with many details, and the surface is black. According to customer requirements, the scanning accuracy is high, and the data is complete. Using traditional scanning methods, it is difficult to achieve complete data acquisition.

Scan on-site images
Co3d solution
For precision small parts, Hualang 3D engineers use a handheld 3D scanner HOLON A22 for comprehensive scanning in precision mode. The connected computer will automatically concatenate and generate data, with an accuracy of up to 0.01. The scanning range of the device can be adjusted according to the size of the scanned object, with simple operation, light weight, convenient portability, fast scanning speed, and can reduce time waste. The customer is very satisfied with the data and the scanned data is complete, which can be used for reverse design

Stl data graph

Reverse Design Drawing